I am happy to say that thanks to this and a few other places, I am accomplishing a goal. I started this blog in 2009 but I wasn't very good to it. I let it lie dormant, neglected in cyberspace. I kept saying that I would eventually get back to it but I didn't truly try again until August of last year. That was my first step to a wonderful habit.
I have always loved writing, telling stories, commenting on life...the list goes on. I have always been a fan books, words art in many forms. I have always dreamed of one day being a paid published author. I have had works published and that has made me smile. One day whether now or when I'm 90 maybe my other desire will come true. This was a step in that direction. A weekly exercise of commenting off the cuff. It might not always b quality but it is genuine, heartfelt and done with love of what I'm doing. Most dreams are worth pursuing. It is when you leave them neglected and/or under nurtured that they either fade away or become difficult.
Write for yourself. Write for a small group. Write, paint, draw, sing, dance, create an artistic reality for yourself that helps to sustain that inner you . It is ever so important to keep those artistic fires burning as they nourish the heart and soul. Thank you to all who have wandered by and especially to those who remain near to read what is writ in this tiny corner of cyberspace.
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