Monday, September 10, 2012

Car Chase Craziness

I know there are many of you out there who watch them, revel in them, love them but I am not a member of your group. They always end the same way. You get caught. They stop your vehicle and wind up face down on the ground or the driver gives up and winds up face down on the ground. Okay there has been  a few where they die but that too is in fact getting caught and instead of face down on the ground you're in a box in the ground. Why do you run?

I don't honestly believe that all these drivers feel they will be the one to get away. Could the guaranteed "15 minutes of fame" be that much of a lure to so many? Is it the heady power of I've gone this far so why not keep up til I can't go any further? What is it that makes these escape artist want to be's try to out drive the police and hovering helicopters on the bus streets of LA? You can barely get where you'r e going in a timely fashion on a good day but with local police and highway patrol, Skycam 5 and all the other news copters where do you really think you are going to go?

Why are we as a whole fascinated by this chase? Are we all secretly hoping the driver does get away? To me, that has to be the only reason we watch. It is not that we are on the driver's side, it's more the spirit of the chase. The odds are most definitely not in the driver's favor and therefore that innate desire to route for the underdog kicks in and we watch, waiting, hoping that maybe this time it'll have a different ending. I can't see any other reason to disrupt my regularly scheduled programming.

I know this statement won't sit well with most but I say, follow the chase, film away but don't interrupt my day.Let me see the highlights at news at 6 and 10. Warn the various neighborhoods with the alert system so they can clear the streets but leave me out of the days chase. It's a waste of space. Of course, if you get to the end and they stop the car or the driver stops the car and somehow or another eludes authorities then tune me in at that moment as that would be something different and worth it for me to see.

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