Monday, September 5, 2011

Sidewalk Poop

I love dogs. I really care for pretty much all animals great and small. I have a bird. I've had a few over the years. The ones I've had are low maintenance so they are easy to take care of at all times. I live in an apartment so a bird is better than a dog on that level. I have neighbors with pooches. These pooches I have seen but more often than not I have been made aware of their presence because of poop inappropriate places.

Scoop your poop people. Although the main reason I don't have a dog at the moment is my apartment's policy on that another major factor is I do not wish to be a pet valet. I have no urge to walk behind my canine with plastic bag in hand picking up steaming piles of poop. IF you have purchased a pup however, that IS what YOU  have signed up to do. You chose that life. You knew the responsibilities. You should not subject me and the rest of the world to stepping in something sticky. It is most definitely not neighborly. It's unsightly and unsanitary as well.

People not being responsible for their four legged friend's poop has become such a major epidemic that they are actually doing DNA testing to find the owner of the pile. That's right, you might think you are getting away with it but, you will be tracked down and fined. It's a simple matter people. Pick up the poop or be picked up for not picking up the poop. It's your call.

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