dis·ci·pline- 1.(n) training to act in accordance with rules; drill: military discipline.
2.(n) activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training
3.(n) punishment inflicted by way of correction and training.
4.(n) behavior in accord with rules of conduct; behavior and order maintained
by training and control
5.(v) to train by instruction and exercise; drill.
6.(v) to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control.
I want it NOW! How do you learn to appreciate what you have if you are just handed everything? I need the latest technology be it laptop, notebook, or phone. I must have that cookie, cake, fancy dinner. I need those shoes, that car, a flat screen television. I deserve a trip to someplace I've never been. I need it. I want it. I deserve it. Give it to me now. Where did this attitude start? Let's go back in time.
"When I get older, I am going to do what I want." "I can't wait til I'm a grown up so I can do whatever I want." "Adults have it easy they can do whatever they want." "when will I get to do what I want to do?"
Sound Familiar? Words you've heard by pint-sized complainers;words spoken by you in the past (or not so distant past). These are statements that have complicated truths. I AM older and for the most part I do what I want but in order to do that I have to be disciplined enough to do what I need to do. Society, these days, seems to be heavy on the instant gratification but light on the discipline that goes with long term satisfaction.
Discipline is not a natural state. If you notice each definition has train or training as a part of it. Constant conditioning is an on-going life-long process. Those who are truly "having it all" learned this lesson long ago. Think of the habits you have and then think of the world you believe you should live in. Is one keeping you from the other? An honest assessment might shed some life on your reality.
It's more difficult than you ever imagined to be an adult. If you are responsible for more than just yourself it is even more of a world of discipline in which you must live. If I wake up on a Saturday morning, decide to stay in my PJ's and eat cookies all day, that's me but what kind of example does that set for others if you are in charge. If I leave my clothes all over the apartment, that's me. If I invite someone over, how comfortable will it be for that person? How comfortable will I be letting that person in? The list goes on.
I HATE eating oatmeal (unless of course it's in the form of an oatmeal, chocolate chip, walnut cookie). I have high blood pressure and oatmeal is good for helping to lower cholesterol and maintain a healthy heart. I eat oatmeal. I don't want to exercise. I do want to be comfortable in my own skin. I balance a small amount of exercise with eating well and portion control. Do I have off days? YES, everyone does. Do I slip? Of course! Do I continue to do what I know I have to do even though it's not what I always want to do, YES because that's what a REAL adult does.
We need to start training the younger generations in the fine art of discipline. We need to start revisiting this skill as adults as well. You are not always going to like not getting what you want but do not consider it a punishment. Only one definition of discipline is about punishment. All the rest are about the ways we can use this sadly lacking ability to train ourselves to do what must be done in order to have real and well deserved fun in our lives.
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